Tajikworld Top 100 Islamic Sites.



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Site Name
51 The Islamic Page
Complete information about Islam and Translation of Quran and Hadith
52 Dar El Fikr (S.A.L.) [Beirut]
is one of the largest Islamic publishing companies in the Middle East.
53 Islam, Sufism and the Sufi Tradition of Chishti Qadhiri
Islam, Sufism an intrinsic part of Islam explained according to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Beliefs and Values
54 Halalco Books
Thousands of books on Islam and Muslims. Orders shipped promptly
55 Moonsighting.com
Where the earliest moonsighting is possible every month is given by graphic picture
Beliefs and Values
56 Islam.co.za
This site is a comprehensive portal to information about Islam and Muslims and has many sections and indexed links.
Web Portal
57 Islamic Resources Page
A reference guide to Islamic resources on the Internet as well as Prayer Schedule and Hijra Calender
58 Universal Truth
Website Dedicated to Islamic Beliefs and Practices
Beliefs and Values
59 Sahafa Online
The Number 1 most popular most organized collection of Arabic and Islamic newspapers and magazines on the Internet.
News and Views
60 Islamic Halal Food Monitor of Canada (I.H.F.M. Canada)
Research and Validation of Halaal/Haram Products and Ingredients
61 World Islamic Network (WIN)
Islamic Information, Free Books Distributors, Tableegh etc.
Beliefs and Values
62 Students Islamic Organisation of India
Premier Muslim students & youth organisation of India. One of the largest in the world with 2 lakh associated & over 1900 units all over the country.
63 World Ahle Bait Women Organization
Useful site for Muslim Women
64 Hajj & Umrah
Comprehensive info for Hajj & Umrah: travel, visa, vaccination, accommodation, visiting Madinah & more.
Beliefs and Values
65 The Calgary Islamic Homepage
Islam Pure and Clear
Beliefs and Values
66 Lebanon Home Page Nr.1
One ot the best lebanon homepages with many important links
News and Views
67 Islami Roohani Mission's Home Page
A site about Islam, sufism, naqshbandi as well as FREE MCSD notes
Islamic Website
69 Discover Islam ..... A Way of Life
A beginner's guide to Islam
Beliefs and Values
70 Anila's Palace
Click and learn more about me, my culture and religion.
Beliefs and Values
71 Imam Khoei Islamic Centre
Islamic Site pertaining to the followers (shia) of Muhammad (s) and his Household.
Beliefs and Values
72 One Islamic State of Calphate/Khilafah
Khilafah Page
Beliefs and Values
73 Khatoon Network
The place to be for Muslim women!
74 Ahl as-Sunna wal-Jamaah
Ahl as-Sunna wal-Jamaah [Quran and Sunnah] Islamic Doctrine - Quran, Sunnah, Qiyas, Ijma, Audio, Video, Aqeeda, Biographies of Salaf us-Salih and Khalaf us-Sadiq Scholars. Articles in Urdu, Arabic and other languages.
75 The First Steps to Islam for Women
Simple page focusing on dawah for new and non Muslims with many links to all aspects of Islam
Beliefs and Values

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