Central Asia
Central Asia occupies an area of 1,542,200 square miles (3,994,400 square kilometres), or almost half the area of the United States. The Central Asian countries range in size from Kazakstan, with an area of 1,049,200 square miles, to Tajikistan, at 55,300 square miles. Mountain ranges ringing the southern and southeastern border act as a barrier blocking moisture flowing north across India and Pakistan from the Indian Ocean. The rain-shadow effect contributes to the dry desert conditions characteristic of Central Asia. About three-fifths of the region's territory consists of desert land. The arid and semiarid climate contributes to a highly uneven population-distribution pattern, as water is a scarce and unevenly distributed resource. Most of the people of the region are concentrated along the banks of the major river systems and their tributaries or in the foothills of the mountains to the south and southeast. Thus, Uzbekistan has the largest population, followed by Kazakstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan.
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